Legal Complaints

Liveshopping's Third Party Legal Complaints Policy

This Policy applies to complaints, notices and other communications (“complaints”) from third parties (“you”) related to alleged abuse of Liveshopping Marketplace or services by Liveshopping Marketplace retailers. The Policy should be read in conjunction with the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. By submitting a complaint to us (by any means), you acknowledge and agree to be bound by this Policy.

As noted in the Terms of Use, all products displayed on Liveshopping are sold by independent retailers. We are neither the buyer nor the seller of the products. We provide the platform, allowing retailers and customers to complete their transactions.

However, as a trusted online Marketplace, we take legal complaints seriously. The integrity of our Marketplace is of the utmost importance to our business and all of our partners. Accordingly, we have implemented this Policy, which applies (without limitation) to third-party complaints about any Marketplace retailer:

  • copyright infringement.
  • breach of contractual arrangements.
  • regulatory matters and other legislative duties
  • other violations of non-contractual and non-legal obligations e.g. in tort.

1. Notice

All complaints should be submitted to our legal team via email This will help ensure that your complaint receives prompt attention. Liveshopping reserves the right not to respond to a complaint that is not sent through the correct email and the timeline set out in Section 4 below will not apply to any complaint sent to us in breach of this Section. 

You may report an alleged infringement as a rights holder, as an agent acting on behalf of a rights holder, and on behalf of a governmental or regulatory body.

2. Content of complaint

Your complaint must contain all information and evidence reasonably necessary for us and the affected retailers to understand the complaint and to legally substantiate the complaint. By this, we mean that the complaint must contain (at a minimum) a clear explanation of your applicable legal rights, grounds and/or liabilities and any law upon which it is based, the facts that reasonably support your claim that there has been a legal violation, information about listings on Liveshopping, including links to the allegedly infringing products, trade mark numbers, affected jurisdictions and any other relevant information that will help us deal with your complaint as effectively as possible.

Please do not provide excessive, irrelevant and/or unclear documents or information as this will delay us in dealing with your complaint. We reserve the right to reject any complaint that is unclear or unnecessarily long (the explanation must not exceed 3 A4 pages (this limit does not include evidence)).

All information and documents provided to us must be in Greek, as our Legal Team is based in Greece.

We reserve the right not to take any action until you comply with this section of the Policy.

3. Information provided to us

In our position as a Marketplace, we are obligated to pass on details of a complaint affecting a retailer to that retailer. By submitting a complaint, you consent to us doing so and processing any personal data necessary for this purpose.

You acknowledge and agree that as a result of submitting a complaint you may be contacted by affected retailers who may wish to discuss or dispute the complaint. You agree to cooperate constructively and in good faith with the relevant retailers and to promptly notify us of the outcome of any such discussion or dispute. You also agree that Marketplace will not be liable for any legal or financial consequences, or any damages caused to you, arising out of or in connection with such discussions or disputes.

4. Timetable

We endeavor to provide our initial response to a complaint within ten working days, although we reserve the right to change this timeframe without notice.

In relation to any subsequent communication with you, we will respond as soon as possible, taking into account the competence of our Legal Team and the need to prioritize the most urgent complaints.

If you consider your complaint to be urgent, please state this clearly in your complaint and include an explanation of why (for example, if there is a serious risk of harm to the general public).

5. Our answer

Provided you comply with this Policy, we will take any action we believe is legally justified and necessary in the circumstances within a reasonable time. Our response may (but not necessarily) include suspending or removing the relevant listings, notifying the retailer of the issue, contacting the relevant retailer(s) with you to resolve the issue, and/or to inform you of the actions taken.

Any such action will be at our sole discretion and we are under no obligation to take any action merely as a result of a complaint being submitted to us. We do not represent or warrant that any action we take will be effective, temporarily or permanently, in achieving any objective, and we will have no obligation to monitor or otherwise monitor on an ongoing basis the effectiveness and/or compliance with any action we may take .

We further reserve the right to reinstate product listings and/or retailers, without notice to you, where the legal basis for the related complaint has not been established under Section 2 or otherwise.

6. In general

This Policy is governed by Greek law and you are subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of Athens for any dispute in relation to this Policy and your rights and obligations in relation to the Policy (including any non-contractual rights or obligations).